*Location: Ruïnekerktoren Raadhuisstraat at Kerkstraat Bergen, Noord-Holland, Netherlands LL: N 52.66934, E 4.70042
*Carillonist: Klaas de Haan E: kldehaan@xs4all.nl *Contact: Ruïnekerk Raadhuisstraat 1 1861LK Bergen NH T: 08 27561116 -or- 072 5896809 E: info/@/ruinekerk DOTnl *Schedule: Auto melodies at hour and half hour, Westminster motifs at 1st & 3rd qtrs *Remarks: Inaugurated 5 May 1970 = 25th anniver- sary of liberation of Netherlands. Pedal transmission is sheathed cables, not roller bars *Technical data: Traditional carillon of 26 bells Pitch of heaviest bell is F# in the treble octave Transposition is up 18 semitone(s) Keyboard range: C D / C C There is one missing bass semitone The whole instrument was installed in 1970 with bells made by Petit & Fritsen No auxiliary mechanisms known Tower details not available Year of latest technical information source is 2012*Links:
This page was built from the database on 26-Mar-20 based on textual data last updated on 2020/03/21 and on technical data last updated on 2013/01/01 |
*Photos: (none available) |
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