*Location: Southwest tower Minster (Cathedral and Metropolitical Church of S.Peter) York, (North) Yorkshire, England OS Ref. SE 601 519 LL: N 53.96220, W 1.08313*Former location (1933-88, chime only): St.Mary's Church Nelson, Lancashire, England
*Carillonist: David E. Potter 8A Minster Yard York YO1 7HH E: davidpotter5040/@/gmail.com - and - others *Contact: York Minster Visitors Department St.Williams College College Street York YO1 7JF T: 1904/557216 F: 1904/57201 E: info@yorkminster.org *Schedule: Before Evensong on most weekdays (1645-1710) *Remarks: Additional semitone of the chime was G# (sharp 4th). Hung above the ring of 14 in the opposite tower from "Great Peter" (216-2-22 in E flat). From 1473 to 1750, a chiming machine played tunes on the bells of the ring. The expansion from chime to carillon incorporated the bells of the former Loughborough mobile chime (see below), with some new bells. *Technical data: Traditional carillon of 35 bells Pitch of heaviest bell is D in the middle octave Transposition is up 2 semitone(s) Keyboard range: C C / C G There are two missing bass semitones There is an identical practice console The instrument was enlarged in 2008 with bells made by Taylor Prior history: In 1989, the instrument was begun with 11 bells by Taylor Keyboard range was: C E / NONE There was one added semitone No auxiliary mechanisms known Tower details not available Year of latest technical information source is 2022*Links:
This page was built from the database on 9-Feb-24 based on textual data last updated on 2024/02/06 and on technical data last updated on 2022/06/22 |
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