Summary of instruments by country and type
for Europe

The tables below present the distribution of types of instruments by country in Europe.

Chimes include peals and zvons (all sizes).  In the column for great bells, the first number is the total of all great bells in that country, and the parenthesized number is the count of those that are not located in instruments counted in the first three columns (i.e., are "independent").  For improved readability, zeros (0) have been replaced with periods (.), except for the independent great bells.

Part 1 - European countries collectively indexed

                Trad    Non-trad    Chime       great(indep)    tubular

Austria          2       5           7           5 (3)          .
Bosnia           1      .           .           .               .
Bulgaria        .       .           .            1 (1)          .
Croatia         .       .            1          .               .
Czechia          2      .            2           1 (1)          .
Estonia         .       .            1           1 (0)          .
Finland         .        2           5           1 (0)           1
Greece          .        1          .            1 (1)          .
Hungary         .        1          .            1 (1)          .
Iceland         .        1           2          .               .
Liechtenstein   .       .            1          .               .
Lithuania        2      .           .           .               .
Luxembourg      .        3           1           2 (0)          .
Malta           .       .            4           9 (8)          .
Norway          11       2          11          .               .
Poland           3      .            3           5 (5)          .
Portugal         6       2          .            4 (2)          .
Russia           2       4          12          20 (8)          .
Serbia          .        1          .           .               .
Spain            5       1          11           6 (2)           1
Sweden          15      13           6          .               .
Switzerland      6       7          38           3 (0)           1
Ukraine          1      .           .            1 (1)          .
Vatican         .       .           .            1 (1)           1
               ---     ---         ---         ------           --
    TOTALS      56      43         105          62 (34)          4

Part 2 - European countries or regions independently indexed

                Trad    Non-trad    Chime       great(indep)    tubular

Belgium          99     24          17           18 (6)          .

Denmark          29     21          22            0              1

France           63     19          78           23 (8)          .

Germany *        49     53          40           40 (23)         .

Italy *         .        4           1           5 (5)           .

Netherlands *   190     60          70           26 (4)          .

British Isles    16      9          71           28 (25)        n/r

                ---    ---         ---         --------         --
    TOTALS      446    190         299          140 (71)         1

Part 3 - Grand totals

                ---    ---         ---         ------          --
    TOTALS      502    233         404          202 (105)       5

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This summary page was created 2020/05/30 and last revised 22/04/10.

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