Dronning Ingrids Klokkespil (Queen Ingrids Carillon) *Location: Sankt Gertruds kirke Torvet Grenå, Nordjyllands Amt, Denmark LL: N 56.41357, E 10.87570
*Carillonist: Per Rasmus Møller Nørregade 4 8550 Ryomgaard T: 8639 4048 E: prm /@/ km DOTdk *Contact: Grenaa kirkekontoret Storegade 6 DK-8500 Grenaa T: 8632 1415 E: grenaa.sogn@km.dk *Schedule: Automatic at 9,12,15,18,20,22 daily, except hourly 9-20 in Jul,Aug,Dec; live concerts frequently. *Remarks: North European standard keyboard by Eijsbouts; prepared for 49 bells (bass B flat + 6 more trebles) Tower also contains 3 swinging bells by Claus van Dam, Kobenhavn, 1648 - the oldest set of bells cast by a single founder in a single year, in any Danish church. *Technical data: Traditional carillon of 48 bells Pitch of heaviest bell is G in the middle octave Transposition is up 7 semitone(s) Keyboard range: C C / C G There is one missing bass semitone The presence or absence of a practice console is unknown The instrument was enlarged in 2013 with bells made by Paccard Prior history: In 2010, the instrument was enlarged to 42 bells by Paccard Keyboard range was: C F# / C G In 2008, the instrument was enlarged to 37 bells by Paccard Keyboard range was: C C# / C G In 1995, the instrument was begun with 21 bells by Paccard Pitch of heaviest bell was unknown No auxiliary mechanisms known Tower details not available Year of latest technical information source is 2022*Links:
This page was built from the database on 5-Nov-23 based on textual data last updated on 2022/01/28 and on technical data last updated on 2023/01/24 |
*Photos: (none available) |
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